Thursday, 24 January 2013

Stage II: Illegal Immigration scandal over lunch.

With the holidays over, the government once again shifts its attention to illegal immigration.
However, while the government might take a long time to decide exactly what it wants to do with the issue at hand, the same restrictions don't apply to Taco Cid restaurant and its employees in West Columbia.

On the 16th of January, South Carolina's The State published an article highlighting the event.
Taco Cid's owner Leanne Snelgrove started selling shirts that "feature a box propped open with a stick and string as a rudimentary trap baited with two tacos."
Soon after availability for the apparel began, Taco Cid became the highlight of national news, with many Hispanic advocate groups condemning the shirt as racist and rude.
The shirt however does not display any rude phrases or signs, it merely has the phrase "How to Catch an Illegal Immigrant” printed in red, green and white colours.
Some people are quick to point out that this is clear discrimination against Mexico and its people, but Snelgrove holds a firm stance on the matter, clearly stating that her shirts are a political statement against illegal immigrants (who due to the coincidental shape of the continent, mostly come from Mexico) and not against any other hard-working, legal ethnic group(s).
Since the time of writing, Leanne has updated her business website with statements directed at the media's accusations and urges for fair and balanced articles. The shirts are no longer available for purchase through the on-line portal but are still available in all sizes through their contact numbers.

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